Gathering family history and genetic testing to understand the severity of ADPKD

  • Family history (knowing which family members have had kidney disease and at what age their kidneys failed) can help your doctors predict the type of gene that is altered and determine how aggressive your ADPKD may be1,2.
  • Approximately 10-15% of people diagnosed with ADPKD have no family history3. Therefore, your doctor may request genetic testing2.
    • Depending on the test done, a blood sample or saliva sample will be collected to perform the genetic test.
  • Performing genetic testing and understanding how the gene is altered may help your doctor determine how quickly your kidneys may reach failure2.
    • Two widely known disease-causing genes (PKD1 or PKD2) may be tested2.
    • Newly identified disease-causing genes may also be tested2.

ADPKD autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseasePKD polycystic kidney disease

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